Fear and Gratitude
by Amy Morse
Today I am grateful for fear. That's right, fear. Let's think about it. Most of us consider fear a negative thing, but fear can spurn us into greatness. Fear can be used as a motivator. The Holy Bible uses the word fear countless times, and not just in the way we mostly consider fear. It is also used in this book to depict another thing, reverence. Reverence for a situation or being. So fear isn't just about fright, it's also about reverence.
See, if we experience the emotion of fear, it makes us consider, study, ponder the what ifs of life. We develop reverence for life. The cause and effect of our choices. We have this emotion of fear as a stop gap. An emotion to help us take note of things. We can push it away...sure. But if we use it, we can get closer to wisdom. Yes, there could be injury or failure on the other side but there could also be great blessing. So now, I leave you with a quote. "The fear of taking a shot at anything in life, lives in the fact that there are no guaranteed outcomes and this notion, sadly paralyzes so many from ever taking a chance, because the can never be certain enough. It's important to understand that the fear will always be there, that's what makes us humans, and those of us that end up leading successful and fulfilled lives have just learned to better tame and dance with that fear more than others. " - Chris Hill
Now go dance! Dance with fear. It will help us on our journey to wisdom. It will help us love others and life with more depth. It will help us develop reverence. #fear #gratitude #30daysofgratitude